10 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Your Website

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10 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Your Website

While designing a website, two major factors, that you must always consider, are your potential users and Search Engines. What looks good and easily navigable might not appear same to the major concerning factors. There are numerous mistakes in creating websites that web designers may commit.

Common mistakes that websites should not have are listed  below

1. Endless scrolls

It is a common notion that scrolls keep the users engaged. Yes, that might but when used appropriately. Otherwise, infinite scrolls can create confusion and difficulty in placing the content properly.

2.  Lazy loading

In lazy loading, the whole website is not downloaded in bulk, it is loaded in parts and particular parts of the website are loaded when they are visited. This may be great to increase the website loading speed but could hamper website’s indexing on Google as the bots would not be able to crawl through such parts of the page.

3. Links opening in New Browsers

Having a lot of links that are opening in new browsers are allowing the users to escape your website and to a new website with no “return” button. Not only it makes the navigation a pain but also slows down the device speed, ruining their whole experience.

4.  Mobile-Unfriendly

Around 70% of people use mobile browsers for quick browsing and more than 50% use only the mobile browsers. Hence a website must have to be fully responsive to be able to work smoothly on any device.

5. Reader unfriendly

No one has time to read through those tightly held funky fonts. Keep your fonts of readable size, clear font style with appropriate line spacing. User should be able to read the text squint free on all the websites.

6. Not Being Upfront

Some websites does not allow the user know what they do and why the customer must choose them. This is probably the major offender in website-user interaction. Atleast, the website should clearly state “About Us” and “services/products” of the company.

7. Hamburger Menus

Hamburger Menus are used for a neat look of the website. However this may cause some discover-ability issues as the hidden content could not be crawled easily and my lead to poor SEO.

8. Social Media Icons at Top

Placing the social media icons at top means you are welcoming the user just to leave your website! Keep your social media links to the bottom of the website leaving the impression of invitation to your users to visit your social media profiles as well.

9. Inaccessible Contact Information

After visiting the profile, the user would want to check the contact information and not being able to find that easily could point to non-credibility of your business.

10. Parallax

Parallax scrolls might make the website slow. User might have to scroll a lot to get through the content of a heavy website, which may result in frustrating experience. Also websites with parallax have SEO issues.

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